Tränarprofil i junis Fitness4U nyhetsbrev

"This month's trainer is Kristin. Born in Sweden, Kistin has  travelled extensively around the world seeking adventure with her partner Oskar, before arriving in Brisbane in 2010. According to Kristin Brisbane  certainly was a change and they have learned and experienced heaps since their arrival.

Kristin has a bachelor in Sport Science from the University of Gothenburg and has always had an interest in exercise. She also holds a Diploma/Certification in Relaxing Massage Therapy. Growing up in a Swedish town she always rode her bike to school, despite rain or freezing winter days with roads covered with ice.

Kristin has participated in many different sports with most of her time and effort put into tennis, trail running and horse riding. This led to her being in the top 10 in her district in tennis. Her love of running in the forest, has been curtailed since moving to Brisbane because there isn't much forest in close proximity to her and also because of "all the not so lovely and very dangerous animals" Australia is famous for.

A few years ago Kristin completed a half marathon and really enjoyed it but injured her knee so she hasn't  done it again. Her biggest physical challenge to date has been walking the 43km long trail up to Machu Picchu in Peru; a tough trek (especially as she got sick along the way) but "it was definitely worth it"! At the moment her exercise routine is varied with group training sessions, boxing, running, yoga, soccer, rollerblading, swimming, hiking and so on. Kristin really enjoys the beautiful weather Brisbane offers and the endless possibilities for outdoor training."



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